Sunday, January 3, 2010

Over Too Soon

Well, after 10 fun-filled days, Aupreille, Mark, and Teairsa have left us for Iowa's beautiful winter weather.

We tried to convince them to stay with blue skies,
lots of history,
stimulating conversation,
but Teairsa figured that if she had to be this bundled up, they might as well go back home. That way at least they'd make it home before we all ran out of money and gained 20 lbs snacking during our game-playing marathons.
We didn't want to let them go.

This may look like an innocent hug, but Rob's really trying to send the message: STAY WITH US!
Our last ditch effort didn't work, so we've fallen back on plan B: Rob will grow out his beard again hoping that his rugged, mountain-man good looks will be enough to lure other friends and family out to see us. It's quite a draw. :)
Thanks for coming, guys! We had so much fun!

1 comment:

Mark and Aupreille said...

We definitely had a blast and would have loved to stay, but you are right, it's good we left before we all ran out of money and did gain 20lbs each. We sure did know how to eat :)

We love you guys, thanks again for having us. Teairsa is still loving the way Rob taught her to say "Doctor".