Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Mini Reunion

Last weekend my oldest, bestest friend from New Canaan, Alia came to visit.  We met when I moved there in 8th grade and as soon as I saw her, I knew I wanted to be her friend....because she was as tall as me!  Who knew a friendship with such a solid foundation would last so long?  :)  
When the Sox finally won the World Series
We were roommates at BYU and had so much in common; from our love of DDR and the Boston Red Sox, to working out at the RB, and always, always trying to get to bed before 11pm, we were perfectly suited for one another.  Then she traded me in for an even better roommate, her husband Brian, and life started getting a little more complicated.   
Somehow this picture from a camping trip in Moab is the only one I have of Brian!
I married Rob, we moved to Boston, they moved to Tuscon, we moved to England, then here to Houston, and so even though the last time we saw each other neither of us had any kiddies, somehow we both now have 2! (Although, Alia took the more standard route to get there.)
Cameron, her 2-year old stayed home with dad (thank you, Brian!!!!), and Alia brought her 5 month old baby, Jackson, to meet our little girls.  Because you really can never start planning too soon....in about 20+ years wedding bells could be ringing!
Or, maybe, not so much...

While Alia was in town, two of our other New Canaan friends (Hilary and Hilary) who now live in Texas came to visit with their husbands.   Both Hilary's are expecting their first babies so we spent lots of time eating good food, commiserating over morning sickness, expanding waistlines, and all things baby. 
Rob, Christa, Lily, Hilary, Savannah, Hilary, Alia, Steven, Mike
Even though we hadn't seen each other in 4 or 5 years, it felt like no time had passed! It's so great having friends like that. 
And if you ask me, we haven't aged a day  ;)

It was a great mini-reunion, hopefully the first of many to come!


Natalie said...

I love this. NC forever! Also: BOTH Hilarys expecting?!? YAY! Lots of love to all the NC expats in TX. xo

Mark and Aupreille said...

You have had so many visitors, I'm totally jealous, but you deserve it. Sounds like you had fun, I hope this doesn't mean that you won't be trying to come to AZ now that your friend came out to see you in TX.

Unknown said...

Hey send those pics my way once things calm down around your parts. PS- have you finished downton?