Friday, April 18, 2008

Spice-ing Up My Life!!

OK, the secret is out. I LIKE THE SPICE GIRLS! :) I think I had successfully hidden this clandestine craze, but when I heard the Spice Girls were going on a reunion tour I slipped and enthusiastically gushed to Rob about how excited I was. (In the interest of full disclosure, he probably would have found out eventually anyway by seeing the embarrassing, choreographed music videos of me and my friend, Claire, taped in middle school.)

Anyway, because Rob truly is Mr. Wonderful, he surprised me for my birthday with 2 tickets to see the Spice Girls in Boston! Luckily for him (or so he maintains) Jacqueline, my little sister, agreed to come with me.

In order to properly prepare, Jacqueline made me a CD of all of the Spice Girls songs (yes, they had more than one) and we had a rockin' dance party in my living room to classics like Wannabee, Stop, and Spice Up Your Life. We also re-watched Spiceworld: The Movie. It was just as bad as I remembered!
On the way to the concert, the subway was full of females dressed up as the various Spices...Posh, Scary, Baby, Sporty, Ginger, Basil, Coriander, Cumin, Cinnamon, etc. :) Jacqueline and I didn't actually dress up, but we definitely appreciated the time that went into a lot of the outfits we saw.

At the concert we had a blast dancing and singing along with all our favorite Spice tunes. I have to say though, that I have never been in a place with so many females at one time in my life. It was quite the estrogen rush. :) Overall, I have to rate the experience a 10 out of 10 for an enthralling, exhausting, existential evening. Thank you, Rob!

1 comment:

Megan Holdaway said...

Thank you for loving the Spice Girls and supporting them during their reunion tour. They are a group that should never be forgotten :) Hurray for your blog!!