Sunday, November 18, 2012

The MN State Fair

I realized I never posted these pictures from our outing to the Minnesota State Fair this summer.

The Highlights:

1.  The winners of the Minnesota Dairy Princess Program get crowned "Princess Kay of the Milky Way" and get their likeness carved into a giant block of butter.
It was almost as exciting as it looks...  :)
2.  Cornhog: the winner of the title "Largest Boar."  Age: 2 years old.  Weight: 1200lbs. 
I kept hearing this line from Charlotte's Web in my head, "That is SOME pig." 
3.  The 4H Animals parading down the road.  The idea of 4H kind of boggles my mind; growing up I never knew ANYONE who raised giant horses, cows, pigs, chickens, goats, rabbits, sheep, etc etc.  I still can't believe kids actually do this...
Savannah LOVED the animals.  Lily, not so much. 
4.  This cow's udder.  I had recently finished nursing the twins and I felt deep empathy for this poor gal. 

So...did anyone out there actually participate in 4H? Or know a significant population of kids who did??

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