We just finished our first Christmas in Houston! The house looked spectacular, thanks to Rob's decorating skills (he's a man of many, many talents).
The Upstairs Tree |
We're still living in Rob's parent's home (built to fit a family of 11...), so we have plenty of extra room, and decided to host Christmas for my family this year.
The Monster Tree |
My parents, sister, brother, and Grandma drove/flew in from around the country to spend the holiday with us.
Family Room |
It was SO NICE to have all of those extra arms to hold and entertain babies! A few days into the week I was having a hard time remembering how I managed to do this all by myself. Savannah, Lily and I are all going to go through some serious withdrawals when everyone is gone. :)
Somehow this is the only "group" picture I have...Grandma, Erik, Katie, me |
On Christmas morning Santa left two of his littlest elves behind! We decided they could stay. Forever.
And with more people to coax smiles out of the babies, here are some more pictures of our cute little girls. They are 5 months old now!!
Hamming it up for their Grandma |
Life is good. 2011 was a GREAT year, and I have a feeling 2012 is going to be even better.