Sunday, July 31, 2011

A few more pics

Christa (aka Rock Star Mom), Lily and Savannah
Here are a couple more pictures.  We have not taken very many the last few days for two main reasons: 1) the girls are still in the NICU, which is kept pretty dark and the babies do not like the flash; 2) for a day and a half, they spent all their non-eating hours at a spa/tanning salon (i.e. anti-jaundice UV treatment) where most of their little bodies are covered.
 Lily and Savannah's Spa Treatment
We're having a lot of fun holding them, and they're starting to eat a lot.  Christa and I came home from the hospital this evening.  The kids will stay at the intensive care until they put on some more weight, but we're hoping they'll be able to come home later this week!
First Family Nap


Amanda+Jonathan said...

Babies! Oh, they are so sweet. I love them. Rob and Christa you are the best parents. I wish I was there to hold them. Love you guys!

Unknown said...

HAH! spa treatment. I love it.

Citrus said...

gratulerer! Det er supert!! YOu look great, Christa. (and Rob with the green cap)Vi holser og sender LOTS of LOVE from Cape Town. All the best to your beautiful family. We love the names.

Natalie said...

Christa, remember when Ethan was little and a few people said he looked like he could be your son? That first picture of you reminds me, oddly, of Ethan. Funny. Cute little ladies. Can't wait to meet them.

annejeppson said...

becca told me about the babies and I had to have a look. What a wonder babies are and such a blessing. Congratulations!
Becca's mom (ann)

Marcie said...

Such a cute family! I hope the girls get to come home soon.