Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Full House!

Rob's brother, John, and his wife, Laura, and their kids are staying with us for a few weeks this month before John's internship starts. Their 5 cute kids mean that all of a sudden things are a lot more fun around here!

Nora Jane--hamming it up for the camera
Cosette (Coco) hamming it up for the camera
Laura, Nora, and Coco...they give me hope that we'll make it through the first year with twin girls!
3-year old Anne Loren
Big brother, and champion swimmer, Brian
Dad (John) coaxing a smile out of Caitlyn
And Nora again, ready for her glamor shot  :)
So if anybody is looking for a party, you're almost guaranteed to find one at the Ellis homestead this month!

P.S. This post marks a momentous occasion: all pictures were taken by CHRISTA!   Rob is busy bringing home the bacon, so I realized if we waited for him to take pictures our blog would die.  Good thing I have some cute subjects to practice on...


Marcie said...

Sounds like things are busy at your house. Congrats on the twin girls coming to your family! How exciting! I'm glad we'll only be a couple of hours away so we'll be able to take a peek at them sometime.

The Lintons said...

I just got your facebook invite and found your blog! CONGRATULATIONS on your TWO little ones. I am so happy for you and Rob--I know it's been a long road. Those girls are in for a wonderful adventure in the Ellis family. We miss you guys! It was fun to read your blog. We'd love to hear more what you all are up to.
Jennie and Scott

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

how fun that you can share the twin girl bond with Laura!