Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shakespeare on a Saturday Night

We're realizing that Houston does a really good job of providing some really great activities that fit our budget (free!!) for the general public.
Our newest discovery was the Miller Outdoor Theatre just south of downtown Houston in Hermann Park. The Theatre hosts free performances of clasical music, jazz, ethnic music and dance, ballet, Shakespeare, musical theatre, and classic films during the spring/summer/fall season. All performances are free to the public and the majority of people bring blankets and picnics and sit on a big grassy hill to watch the show. We were in the area earlier in the day and decided to wait in line at the ticket office for seats (under the huge fans) right up by the stage.

In the evening we drove into town a little early so we could walk around the beautiful park before getting to our seats to see Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. The performers were great...although they did leave out Rob's favorite part of most Shakespeare plays: actors in tights ;) We're excited to go back soon and see more of what Miller has to offer.


Eric said...

I've enjoyed reading about your Texas adventures this summer!

We have to make sure and find a way to get together for a night of Bang and catching up when you return to Boston. You only have one more year of law school, and we may be here less than that!

Call/email when you get back in town...

Unknown said...

Wow looks fun, but... hot?? Call me when you get a chance! Wondering of you have nailed down your travel plans.

Unknown said...

hey how about a new post chica? before you leave the country!