Thursday, November 6, 2008

Alas Poor Edith!

I guess Rob and I have a Halloween tradition (a whopping 2 years running) of carving a pumpkin, naming it, then putting it outside our door for the season.

Last year we got to enjoy Ed, our pumpkin, for a good long time. He and I developed quite a relationship. He was a smiling face to come home to every night, someone to greet me at the door at the end of a long day. Eventually he started getting very tired (read: he was getting so droopy that his features no longer looked like a face) so we had a ceremonial funeral, complete with eulogy, to help us put an end to the relationship. Good ol' Ed...makes me tear up just thinking about him!

This Halloween season was on track to produce another lasting friendship.

Rob and I were invited to a pumpkin carving party at a friend's house so we went and picked out a pumpkin with character (character=warts in this case)....

We carved and carved, working to really bring to light our pumpkin's true soul.

Eventually, Edith emerged (She is the witch-pumpkin with a wart on her nose at the center of the picture). Edith was a great Halloween pumpkin. I was so excited to get to know her...

So we put her on our stoop. She would wish us well on our way to work every morning and was a great companion for me when I was waiting for Rob to get home in the evening. She and I were getting very close; sharing our innermost thoughts, fears, and dreams.

(This is a picture of all of the finished pumpkins at the party...Edith is the menacing-looking one, 3rd from the right)

Then one evening--only 2 days after Halloween--Rob was going outside to meet some friends on the street. I heard him open the door, heard him take a few steps, heard him mutter "Oh Crap!" then heard a dull smash. My heart sank and I knew a something terrible had happened.

HE KICKED EDITH DOWN THE STAIRS! I ran outside and found her smashed to smithereens on the pavement....All of a sudden a budding friendship had been destroyed.

I guess sometimes life is just hard. But we do our best every day... and resolve that next year we're investing in some good quality, stainless steel, pumpkin armor.


Mark and Aupreille said...

Oh poor Edith, what a rough way to go.

Did you guys carve all of those pumpkins on your table or just Edith?

Christa and Rob said...

No, we were at a friend's pumpkin carving party, so all of the other people did a pumpkin too.

Natalie said...

That's pretty funny. Come on Rob, can't your wife enjoy a little company on a cold, Boston evening while you're away studying?! :)

Megan Holdaway said...

What a tragedy! May she rest in peace.

The Francis' said...

Ha Ha... I think you need to write a book about the adventures of Edith. I was so excited for the ending. I didn't know what was going to happen... I thought for sure a kid smashed her on the street, but Rob knocking her down the stairs was classic. ha ha... Hope you guys are doing well.


Mama KK said...

Great pumpkins! Happy memories of carving jack-o-lanterns! Some relationships just can't last forever. (Edith looked a little mean to me, anyway). Love, Mom/KK