Our Brazilian adventure began very auspiciously: Rob's law firm flew us down to Brazil EXECUTIVE CLASS. Booyah.
There were a lot of
expected perks we were looking forward to: bypassing the security lines for the masses, fully reclining seats, and those hot towels they give you after dinner on the plane.
unexpected perk that was awesome was getting to wait for our flight in the Virgin Atlantic/TAM lounge. It was pretty sheekey sheekey...decorated in a posh seventies style, with beaucoup amounts of free, gourmet food to feast on before we flew.
Rob and I both had sushi as an appetizer, a starter salad, then we shared rack of lamb (so good) and a wild mushroom ravioli plate. As I was basking in the first class treatment Rob pointed out that this is one of the perks of selling your soul to a big law firm. At that moment it almost seemed worth it! (I said ALMOST...My husband's soul may cost a little more than sushi and rack of lamb!)
The first Saturday in Brazil was Spencer's graduation. We all went early to Graded, the American Internation school in Sao Paulo, to make sure we got prime seats. Of course, being Ellis', we brought the travel Settlers of Catan game to play in line while we waited. :)
It looks like Spencer is following right in Rob's footsteps. Rob graduated from Graded, left to sell books for the summer (a few hours after the ceremony), then served his mission in the Lisbon, Portugal mission. Spencer is on track to do all of those things! If you ask me, it looks like Spencer has a bright future ahead of him.
The proud parents with graduate #8. They've only got one more child left to go!
After Spencer's graduation we had a great dinner at Outback, then hurried to the airport. Spencer was on his way to Nashville, TN for sale's school and the rest of us were on our way to Curitiba for an LDS Temple Dedication the next morning.
After a few adventures at the airport, we made it to Curitiba and woke up bright and early Sunday morning to get to the 9am dedication. One highlight of the morning was getting to meet President Monson and Elder Nelson at breakfast at the hotel!
The dedication was absolutely wonderful and a very powerful spiritual experience. Rob and I both felt so blessed that the timing of our trip worked out so perfectly to let us be there.
After the dedication Emily, Rob and I headed back to the airport so that we could be home in time to get Emily to school and Rob to work on Monday morning.
The Ellis' really know how to live life to the fullest! We are having a great time living with them and are so grateful for this awesome Brazilian adventure we are having! I'll try not to get too behind documenting them all...