Anyway, the HLCA activity for this month was...dum dum dummmm...Apple Picking!! I am happy to be able to say that in my years in Connecticut I did manage to go apple picking a few times so it wasn't a total first for me, but it's amazing how much more fun everything is when you get to do it with the love of your life! (cheesy, but true).
We carpooled with our friends James and Leigh Schulke, who we met at a RedSox game earlier this year. They are both from Texas, are huuuge UT Longhorn fans and have become converted to Ticket to Ride. So we have a lot of fun with them.
Rob and James had a great time with the Honey Pot Bear...
So the deal was that you buy a bag that can fit about 20 lb of apples (we split it 3 ways and STILL have apples coming out of our ears!) and then you go around the orchard and pick the kind of apples you want. The Golden Delicious apples were ginormous. Absolutely huge. I thought those were really good but Rob liked the McIntosh apples better.
We're pretty much professionals at this...
After we were done picking we went to the orchard store, bought some AMAZING apple cider--after trying a sip Rob immediately grabbed an entire gallon to bring hom--and some AMAZING strawberry rhubarb jam, and also partook of a few legendary apple cider donuts. It was a good day! 
Rob would like everyone to share in the experience of his fabulous goatee. He was sporting it since we've been here, but actually just shaved it off this weekend. Everyone at school is commenting on how young he looks!